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EA Hotel Embassy Prague**** is reconstructed in the style of Art Deco, historically the last to combine historic and modern architecture elements. Thus a unique atmosphere of nostalgia was created that will motivate you to explore the hotel's surroundings as well.

EA Hotel Embassy Prague*** is located in the New Town of Prague, which has been around for quite a few centuries itself. Once a craftsman area in the past, its character is reminded to this day by the names of surrounding streets: Soukenická (Draper Street), Truhlářská (Joiner Street), Barvířská (Dyer Street), etc. Within centuries, the New Town has turned into modern business area concealing sights reminding of its ancient history.

In immediate vicinity of EA Hotel Embassy Prague**** you will find fascinating cross-section revealing cultures of the past centuries.

Admiring the 14th century Romanesque Church of Saint Peter at Poříčí with its Gothic bell-tower, you will be standing just a few steps away from Bishop's court with late 19th century Neo-Renaissance vicarage.

A short way off EA Hotel Embassy Prague**** on a nearby boulevard you will have the chance to admire one of the rare gems of cubist architecture – the building of Legiobanka by the architect Josef Gočár – or the functionalist department store Bílá Labuť. Your shopping-spree tendencies will find satisfaction in the nearby Palladium, the latest and most up-to-date shopping mall built in the place of barracks-turned-monastery on Náměstí Republiky (Republic Square).

Náměstí Republiky is dominated by the Municipal House, magnificent Art Nouveau building standing right next to Powder Tower.

The Gothic Powder Tower (once also a gunpowder storage in the past) is the entrance gate to the so-called Royal Route and the territory of the Old Town of Prague. Through Celetná Street to the Old Town Square, the most memorable sights in Prague. Since time immemorial it has been a place of open-air markets, tilt tournaments and, alas, public gallows executions. You will admire the famous 14th century Astronomical Clock with Apostle figurines or one of the houses where Franz Kafka used to dwell. From Old Town Square, you will have the option to head towards the Charles Bridge, Wenceslas Square or go shopping the upmarket stores in Pařížská Street.

Given the hotel's location, the guests of EA Hotel Embassy Prague**** are predestined for visiting the most popular historical sights of the city of Prague and for getting the artistic feel of the city listed by UNESCO since 1992.

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